The Inpatient Therapy Program (IPT) provides a comprehensive, balanced range of therapeutic group programs and activities.  The group programs are conducted in a supportive group setting with regimens of creative art therapy, exercise programs and interactive discussions.

Aged Mental Health

A varied program which includes psychiatric, medical and psychosocial assessments and treatments.  This also explores issues of aging in a positive supportive and helpful environment through physical exercise training and daily group programs.

Download Aged Mental Health Service Overview Brochure

General Therapy

A range of groups that focus on developing insight into the underlying factors that may contribute and perpetuate mental health conditions. These programs also provide learning strategies to effectively cope with the distress of associated symptoms.

Download General Therapy Group Program Booklet 

Substance Use & Addiction Program (SUAP) 

These groups in this program aim to enable the individual to reduce personal and social harm associated with their substance use and/or addictive behaviours.

Download Substance Use & Addiction Overview Brochure

Transition to Home

This program supports recently discharged hospital patients returning to their home environment.  These patients come back to the hospital during the day to attend IPT and go back home at the end of the day. Together with the treatment team, patients are encouraged to value the daily structure and routine that will assist in their transition.  This program is designed to create a safe and seamless hospital to home transition for all patients.

Download Transition to Home Patient Information Brochure